Sunday, December 29, 2013

IFYCA Spring Mountain Retreat

Spring Mountain Retreat is coming up soon, now is a good time to start planning to attend.

Jesse Glover often came to these and shared his Non Classical Gung Fu with us.  Great memories are made and friends made fast for a lifetime.

We cover Non Classical Gung Fu, Eskrima, Fook Yueng Chuan, Aiki Jitsu and Infinity Concepts.  What does that mean.  Connection, flow, entries, take downs, balance stealing, knife defense, meditation and walks in nature.

Register Here if you are interested.   Facebook Event Page

There is information there as to the investment and lodging.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Women's Self Defense

Very good article by Adam Chan. When learning do defend yourself it is important to really learn how to do it develop the skill set to be able to do it for real. 

There is some empowerment value in doing weekend classes confidence is a deterrent but it is not enough to stop a determined attack.

Rather than taking a weekend course I recommend people enroll in a course that is designed from the ground up to train a person to be able to stop attackers.  

It takes work no question, it is challenging but it is competence not confidence alone that stops attacks.  Competence builds a true confidence not a fly by night version of it.  

A good class builds skill sets, develops a powerful body, and is encouraging and challenging.