Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pierre Hartmann How to Control Close Quarters Fighting

Close work is a signature feature of Non-Classical Gung Fu, Jesse R. Glover, who was Bruce Lee's first student and his Assistant Instructor, took the work he learned from Bruce and continued to refine it into his sticking concept for more than 40 years.

Pierre Hartmann is a long-time student of Jesse R. Glover, he was also the pioneer of bringing Non-Classical Gung Fu into Switzerland, France, England, and Germany.  From this developed a strong foundation for those wishing to study NCKF in Europe from people who have a strong lineage background from Jesse and Ed Hart to this day long-time practitioners of this process share their knowledge with students in Europe.  Pierre Hartmann is a real pioneer.

In this clip, he shares some of his work with Close Quarter Work that he has learned by applying Non-Classical Kung Fu and Fook Yuneg Kune.

How To Control Close Quarter Fighting