Non Classical Gung Fu is designed to give average people above average conditioning and defense ability in a relatively short time frame.
Here is Jesse Glover's own words of explaining his process of Non Classical Gung Fu
Steve Smith has taught Non Classical Gung Fu for 2 decades it is taught very closely to the method that Jesse shared with him as is the case with the process it has become Steve Smith's Non Classical Gung Fu as is the goal for everyone.
Non Classical Gung Fu people from all over the world visit The Little Dojo and share their understanding with us and we share ours with them. It is a process not an art and we are blessed by Jesse's forethought in this.
Here is Jesse Glover's own words of explaining his process of Non Classical Gung Fu
Steve Smith has taught Non Classical Gung Fu for 2 decades it is taught very closely to the method that Jesse shared with him as is the case with the process it has become Steve Smith's Non Classical Gung Fu as is the goal for everyone.
Non Classical Gung Fu people from all over the world visit The Little Dojo and share their understanding with us and we share ours with them. It is a process not an art and we are blessed by Jesse's forethought in this.
Has anyone seen or witness or trained in MIKE LEE ART NOVA?